Intervention in spaces of Amnesia #1 [2013] consisted in the rewriting of a statement claimed in the political discourse of Aime Césaire during the election campaign in 1945.

The sentences were written in different papers shown in front of colonial/fascist historical buildings in the city of Rome and of one in Affile in front of the monument built to honour the criminal general Rodolfo Graziani.

The action was filmed and transposed in the form of postcards which were inserted in a Photo Album and placed on the table of the installation.

On the right side of the Album there is the quote of Aime Césaire, on the left side the are the postcards. On the back side of the postcards one could find information about the building depicted in the pictures. On the front side, under the pictures, it is written the re-arranged statement.

“When I turn on my radio, when I hear that Negroes have been lynched in America, I say that we have been lied to: Hitler is not dead; when I turn on my radio, when I learn that Jews have been insulted, mistreated, persecuted, I say that we have been lied to: Hitler is not dead; when finally, I turn on my radio and hear that in Africa forced labor has been inaugurated and legalized, I say that we have certainly been lied to: Hitler is not dead.”

Discours politiques, election campaign of 1945, Fort-de-France, Aime Césaire.

From Black Skin, White Masks, p. 90, Franz Fanon.

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