On the low right side of the panel, on the white paper engraved with the title of the piece, is projected a 3 minutes video loop which is juxtaposing parts of several videos found on the web depicting Frontex and the militarisation of territorial and water borders with the one of the celebration of the Nobel Price received from the European Union in 2012. At the end of the video I inserted also a statement which few weeks before my presentation the ex Prime Minister Enrico Letta gave during a speech hold at the University of Siena, on the 4th October 2013, the day after hundreds of people lost their life crossing the Mediterranean sea. The great paradox was that while Letta was awarding those death bodies with Italian citizenship, the survivors of that tragedy were accused by Italian authorities of the “reato di clandestinità” (clandestinity crime) which was implemented in the Bossi-Fini law in 2002 that further tightened the norms against immigration.