The collage The people’s holy bread is pointing out to an indissoluble bond that exists between law, money, religion and politics. It includes different elements such as the Eagle fascist symbol, the plane of a colonial postcard stamp, the 20L. Empire coin (forged in 1936 to honour the Italian Fascist Colonialist Empire right after the occupation of Ethiopia) which is used to represent on one side the holy bread and on the other the Saint’s face holy picture, who is as on the coin Vittorio Emanuele III, Emperor of Ethiopia. The original holy picture is depicting S. Francis of Assisi. The 4th of October, the Holy Patron Saint Francis’s day, was chosen from the Prime Minister Letta as the date for the national mourning to commemorate the migrants that died during the shipwreck on the 3rd October 2013.

Photo Collage L’ostia dei popoli (The people’s holy bread)
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